The web advertising market is expanding every year, and while TV Commercials are still highly lucrative for TV Networks, will the web ultimately prevail?
Big events like the Oscars, Golden Globes, the Super Bowl and others, have huge and well targeted audiences, and are high profile events for TV commercials. 30 second ad spots can run into the hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars during these live shows.
However, when it comes to advertising online, are companies still reluctant to put all their budgets on the web?
What the web provides is a constant flow of audiences, 24 hours a day, looking at videos, going on social networks, searching for products and so on. Getting eyeballs in front of targeted ads can be expensive, and finding the right outlet to promote a brand is not easy, even if advertised to be.
TV commercials provide a 'reminder' to viewers about a product so when they go to a store, they favour the brand they have heard of, rather than an unknown name.
Online advertising through youtube is also possible, but does it have the same impact on viewers, or is it good to have different tools in your 'marketing mix'? In truth, online marketing is still very new. TV commercials have been around since the Soviet era propaganda movies 100 years ago.
It may take another decade before companies shift largely to the web vs the TV. But what is also likely to take place, is TV networks heading online, and in a big way.