A new 30 second ad for the 'Terminator: Genisys' movie has given fans a more explosive preview of the summer blockbuster.
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With Arnold Schwarzenegger returning to the role that made him an international star, this new 30 second clip gives the fans a taste of what's to come, and a few lines from Arnie we've not yet heard.
Directed by Alan Taylor and starring Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor and Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, 'Terminator Genisys' takes place in a new time line where Reese teams up with Sarah Connor to prevent Judgement day, with an older Terminator.
Can the plot line give the fans what they've been craving for since Arnie hit the screens in 'Terminator 3'? This trailer certainly delivers an explosive montage for people to enjoy.
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