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Poll reveals UK's favourite Christmas films

Freeview poll reveals insights

It's without a doubt a defining classic of Britishness, and UK audiences love a good Christmas story…

According to a recent Poll conducted by Freeview, the UK's number 1 Christmas film is 'Mary Poppins'. On average, the film has been viewed 8 times by British audiences, surpassing other classics including 'The Wizard of Oz', 'The Sound of Music' and 'Strictly Come Dancing'.

'Mary Poppins' is a classic musical, produced in 1964 by Disney and stars Julie Andrews. 2000 people participated in the poll that revealed the top 5 films. Julie Andrews was definitively the most popular actress being in two of the top 5 in the Christmas favourites.

Can we expect to see some newer films become cult classics in the years to come? That British Christmas feeling can't be replicated anywhere else!

Mary Poppins trailer

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