Hollywood exodus continued in 2013
From 'Star Wars 7' to 'Fury' and 'Avatar 2, 3', big film productions are moving abroad in ever increasing numbers and scale. Filmmaking talent is also following that trend as the requirements of big Hollywood films shift from local talent, to foreign production crews.
What happened to the world's most glamorous destination for filmmakers? The Hollywood exodus is set to increase as New Zealand, Canada, the UK and other States provide even more lucrative tax breaks.
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You only have to look at the UK to see just how extensive the tax breaks are, and how they've been extended this year to compete with VFX hubs in Canada. New Zealand have also won a huge victory for their economy with the future 'Avatar' sequels being filmed locally, that will add over $400 million to the local economy.
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With major film productions moving abroad, the special effects industries are also competing, as the post-production segment of a film's budget increases year-on-year.
You don't have to look very far to see why there's a huge exodus of filmmaking talent to these hubs.
While the Hollywood film industry remains a world renowned destination for film, the cost of shooting in the state of California is simply higher than in other places, and when there's a great local workforce abroad for a lower cost, that's very enticing for film producers.
Are you affected by a drop in local film production?