Greenpeace has launched the So Coal Network , a 2-minute animation that attacks facebook for using coal fired electricity to power its social network.
The timing of the movie coincides with the release of The Social Network film, directed by David Fincher, which depicts the story of how facebook was founded.
Greenpeace's 2 minute spoof highlights the story of how coal power is being used as a source of dirty energy to fuel its first data centre in Prineville USA.
Greenpeace regularly uses Facebook to engage its supporters and their friends to hold corporations accountable for their environmental impact, Greenpeace International Executive Director Kumi Naidoo said.
The So Coal Network is an innovative way to engage users of the social network, and 500,000 people have joined a group urging facebook to Un-friend coal . Mark Zuckerberg is mocked in the spoof animation, narrated by a young girl, which shows how the new data centre takes up a lot of energy which in turn pollutes the world.
The use of social networks are becoming more prevalent for short films, including animations, spoofs, and even mini-series. As TV audiences flock to alternatives online, more and more organizations seek to spread their message through creative short films using social networks, video sharing and direct email marketing.