Robert De Niro faced a barrage of criticism following the airing of Saturday Night Live’s latest sketch featuring the actor as Mueller with attorney William Barr (Aidy Bryant) and President Trump (Alec Baldwin).
The sketch opens with De Niro as Mueller reading to camera, addressing congress with his findings on the Russia Investigation (interrupted by Trump and Barr), stating that “on the charge of obstruction of justice, we have not drawn a definitive conclusion.”
Throughout the skit, the report’s findings are downplayed repeatedly by Barr, while Trump celebrates and Mueller continues to read from a single sheet of paper.
Critics were quick to point out that De Niro’s performance felt “half dead” and that he couldn't read cue cards among other complaints:
for a good actor Robert DeNiro sucks at reading cue cards #SNL
— Barb Darrow (@gigabarb) March 31, 2019
DeNiro is bad on SNL. He’s so obviously reading cue cards.
— Justin Prochaska (@JustinRPro) March 31, 2019
Please, stop having Deniro play Mueller. He’s terrible. He can’t do live TV. It’s embarrassing. Stop. #SNL
— RealityPA (@RealityPA) March 31, 2019
DeNiro on SNL... worst actor ever. Nice teleprompt fail. Go away
— Peter Kent (@OPNYPete) March 31, 2019
Robert De Niro as Mueller on SNL
Robert De Niro has won 2 Oscars and host of awards throughout his career, playing some of the most iconic characters in motion picture history. The actor won the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for “Raging Bull” and Best Actor in a Supporting Role for “The Godfather : Part II” in 1975.
Some of his most memorable films include “Taxi Driver,” “Heat” and “Goodfellas.”
Do you think De Niro could have played Mueller better? Share your opinion with us: @filminetwork