In the Heart of the Sea gets buried by Star Wars 7


Ron Howard’s “In the Heart of the Sea” has failed to get traction at the Box Office as its marketing drive gets drowned by Star Wars.

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Starring Chris Hemsworth and Benjamin Walker, the film struggled to get traction on social while the rest of the entertainment business was nearly wholly focused on the release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Grossing just $11 million so far with a reported budget of over $100m, the opening has been a big disappointment but timing hasn’t helped.

A majority of news outlets have been distracted by Disney’s juggernaut that arrives in just a few days. The social engagement for Star Wars has drowned many other feature films coming out this December and that trend is likely to continue through to the 1st week of January.

Paramount managed to avert a head-on clash with “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” when producers decided to bring “Mission Impossible: 5” out 6 months earlier than previously planned.

“In the Heart of the Sea” received mixed reviews and a lacklustre response from audiences driving the buzz for the film further down the ladder. The theater average for the film’s opening was just $3,547 for a wide release in more than 3000 screens; a disappointing figure by industry standards.

One possibility for the film’s dire opening lies with the choice of casting Chris Hemsworth in a picture that is not aligned with his younger fan base. The action adventure set in the 1820s about the sinking of an American whaling ship that inspired the tale of Moby-Dick has been a hard sell.

With the arrival of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” audiences are already stocking up on tickets which may have also dented revenues for other films these past two weeks as people are holding off going to theaters until “Star Wars 7” comes out.

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