Working Title Films Motion Picture production Working Title Films is a UK production company producing feature films and TV productions. It is considered the UK's equivalent of Universal Studios and produces high budget movies. The company created a subsidiary in 1999 called WT2 Productions producing independent film swhich include classic hit Billy Elliot and the highly amusing Shaun of The Dead. British cinema Working Title films has made some of the UK's most memorable productions including most recently : Johnny English Reborn and Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy. Working Title Films Organisation The production company is based in London but also has offices in the US and Ireland. The founders of the company are Sarah Radclyffe and Tim Bevan. Bevan has produced over 40 films during his career. Some of these include: Four Weddings And a Funeral Bridget Jones's Diary Atonement Where Art Though Love Actually Tim Bevan is also a co-producer in the musical version of Billy Elliot Website The Working Title Films website includes a catalogue of films, downloads (wallpapers) and a section dedicated to Billy Elliot the musical theatre production. It also includes a news reel of the latest developments including casting news and award recognition for movies it has produced. Website:
Award winning Fact Not Fiction Films releases trailer for latest short film ‘Angel Fleet’ ahead of Premiere