Willow Smith and Justin Bieber the ultimate duo?

Putting Willow Smith and Justin Bieber together  makes their upcoming global tour in March a hot ticket, but what is it about these two stars we can t get enough of?

Justin Bieber found internet fame and became the most wanted entertainer of his generation at 16, while Willow Smith, aged 10 is getting the Jay Z treatment and a Whip My Hair chart success.

Both artists have a charisma that translates into mega fame but the mere fact of their young age makes them that extra viral. The youngest of audiences are primarily on the internet and so their fan bases are the generation of music listeners that take to the web first.

Willow Smith also has the cool attitude to the business like brother Jaden, and thanks to Will Smith s teaching she can go very far.

The entertainment industry is also focusing on younger celebrities than ever before, but that may change. There is always a dynamic shift that occurs every few years, due to trends, technology and new social changes.

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