The Hobbit film most anticipated even before shooting

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Peter Jackson suffered a health setback with knock on effects to The Hobbit but the film is already one of the most talked about before shooting.

Controversy surrounded the pre-production of the film from a feud between unions and Government, to racism during the casting process.

With the countless stories surrounding its production, it seems the film has had more buzz than a major movie after its release.

The Lord of The Rings franchise broke Box Office records and set a new standard for the word epic , but with anticipation sky high for The Hobbit , it would seem despite the ongoing issues facing the production, it will be a huge success.

Investors may be nervous about the huge expenditure so far on the film s preparation, but it is more than likely that it will have an Avatar style following. The film also has a story of its own, even before shooting, which could be made into a feature length documentary.

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