The devastating earthquake that ravaged Christchurch, New Zealand s 2nd largest city, has left an aftermath of devastation and years of rebuilding work.
The midday earthquake that struck at the heart of business hours has touched every facet of life in the busy city of 400,000.
In the last few hours, news crews were pulled out alive from the rubble of CTV, the local TV station that lies in ruins.
When disasters such as this strike, the international community plays a key role in helping our friends in need.
While many of us will feel that we can t do much to help victims in a far away place, we can still make a financial contribution to give them the hope and tools to rebuild.
By donating today, you can save lives and ensure that a community like the one you live in, can have a brighter day tomorrow.
Please donate whatever you can, even if its just $1, because if we all do the same, we can make a difference.