Michael Moore wins big victory thanks to Donald Trump

Donald Trump has given Michael Moore a personal victory despite the director being completely against his candidacy.

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Moore earlier in October released “TrumpLand” as a surprise documentary that quickly became a sensation. The film was released at the peak of the election season where public interest in Trump was at an all-time high.

At AFM, Moore’s documentary was then sold as a TV special in multiple overseas territories including France, Israel, Sweden, Spain and the UK.

While Moore was prominently against Trump’s candidacy, the left-leaning film director managed to grab the attention of the media and catapult interest in his film to secure further distribution and demand.

“TrumpLand” proved particularly popular amongst Conservatives, and the film’s title itself soon became a media term during the election. This kind of serendipity managed to market the film beyond it’s original intended audience and is a great case-study for independent filmmakers looking to leverage election seasons and other movements to promote their releases.

Moore also used his Twitter account to bash Trump on a regular basis while promoting the upcoming screenings of his film, drawing praise as well as criticism from conservative outlets like Breitbart.

You can now see “Michael Moore in TrumpLand” on VOD via Amazon for $4.99. The film has been rated 6.1 on IMDB and has garnered a 4.5/5 star rating from 700+ reviews on Amazon.

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