No easy day becomes bestseller
The first-hand account of the seal team that went after and killed Bin Laden has become a bestseller.
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In the run up to the U.S Presidential elections, Mark Owen's first person account has been a topic of big debate in the media, particularly as it reveals the planning of the raid on Bin Laden's compound and its execution. It's been one of the year's biggest topics of discussion, and we've also seen a number of high-profile U.S military figures come out with the 'Dishonorable Disclosures' documentary which takes a look at how the U.S administration handles military operations.
(Related) No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama Bin Laden
Filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow is also adding to the public intrigue with 'Zero Dark Thirty', that will follow the events leading up to the death of Bin Laden. The film will be released later this year.
As a nation looks back at a dark chapter in U.S history where fighting terrorism was a foreign policy priority, how will Americans look at the next decade moving on from the death of Bin Laden? Should Mark Owen's account have ever seen the light of day?
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