James Franco recently featured in a new music video with Kalup Linzy, but does the former Oscar host, and Spider-man star have the musical edge?
Featuring some very cheesy 80s style editing, some green screen smoke intercut with some slightly painful strobe lighting and clouds, does this feel like a misfire to you?
Sure, James Franco can do whatever he likes in his career, but when actors turn to music, it puts them on a very different destiny. So far, the video has attained over 60,000 views.
Rising - James Franco featuring Kalup Linzy
Just looking at this video, you can see that Franco only appears in a faded version of himself, sitting on a sofa, dreaming (or getting very high).
What do you think the budget of the video was? If its more than $20, they definitely need a new producer.
The new EP called 'Turn It Up' will be released July 12th.