Is Donald Trump damaging Macy's iconic brand?


A case of Donald Trump fever

460,000 people have signed an online petition urging Macy's to sever ties with the billionaire mogul, accusing him of being sexist, denying climate change and being racially charged.

The petition, started by Angelo Carusone via opens with this statement :

"Macy's: Donald Trump does not reflect the "magic of Macy's." We urge you to sever ties with him. Macy's says it has a strong obligation to be "socially responsible" and that "actions speak louder than words." Indeed. It's time to act."

Donald Trump is a major component of Macy's corporate image however his recent tirades in the media have won him no support or endorsements. In fact, the essence of his comments have been a PR catastrophe for his personal brand within entertainment and elsewhere. Trump allies have also distanced themselves from him. During the campaign he started to offer unsolicited advice to Romney's aides causing a 'headache' for Republicans.

Trumps comments about Hurricane Sandy, and his ignorance of climate change seem at odds with the image that Macy's wishes to portray. With such a large online petition, backed by celebrities including Cher, is this the beginning of the end for Trump's commercial endorsements?

Macy's faces a difficult balancing act as Trump's brand of 'success' has taken a tumble, and his very public outbursts have damaged his credibility and the public's opinion of him. Will Macy's want to ignore 460,000 potential customers and continue to embrace someone who has been ridiculed in the media or is it time make a switch?

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