Will Smith once attended three premieres for his film 'I Robot' in one day but this latest feat crushes that record by far.
Indian actor Abhishek Bachan managed to attend a world record breaking 7 premieres in 24 hours for 'Delhi 6' according to ZeeNews.
This would put Will's effort at a modest pace compared to his. Does promoting a movie whilst breaking a world record really help the movie at the box office? This might be the case. What is quite daring, is to take on the physical toll of traveling to each premiere location, meeting with the press, speaking with the fans, and doing it over and over again. At the same time, staying 'media friendly' is hard to do when the epic tiredness sets in. How do they do it?
Bachhan : "It feels good to be representing the country on any platform. It feels even better to have entered the Guinness Book for something so different. Have I really beaten Will Smith`s record? I remember it wasn`t easy. I didn`t know whose record I was beating. But we were determined to make it through the maximum number of events that day two years ago, and we did."