If you're bored of the Dark Knight Rises why not see this..

Dark Knight Rises vs The Queen of Versailles

It's got to be the biggest film of the year but if you're experiencing a 'Dark Knight Rises' overload, then check out 'The Queen of Versailles'.

Opening this week at cinemas is the documentary that follows the story of a billionaire couple who built a mansion "Bigger than the White House" only to be hit by the real estate crash. The housing bubble caused a major collapse in property value in the 2008 global recession, and it hit not just middle income families but the wealthy, who had bought in on the craze until it went under.

It's a 'Riches to rags' story that shows just how the American dream has faltered even for the most successful business minds.

The Queen of Versailles trailer

'The Queen of Versailles' stars Jackie Siegel, David Siegal and Virginia Nebab. You could say the metaphor for 'The Dark Knight' is the property slump than enslaves the super rich. Will you see it in sheer defiance of this overly saturated Dark Knight hype?

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