After just 1 year, Google + has managed to sign up more than 250 million accounts; a massive haul considering that it faced an established market place of social networks from day 1.
With Facebook dominating the world's social interaction online, the launch of Google + received a very unenthusiastic reception. One year later, we can say that Google + is here to stay. It's members spend more than 12 minutes a day on average, and a majority of users access it through mobile devices. The soft launch may have been a fad to some, but Google + is already closing the gap in the social space. (Read more below)
Film Industry : Google + branding
We know that Facebook pages are the web standard for placing your brand in a social setting, but Google + pages also provide a host of features. Below are some of the entertainment companies that have used the Google + platform to spread the word about their brands.
Paramount Pictures Google + Page
We've set up our Film Industry Network Google + page which you can check out below. The platform is easy to use, and it's a lot less clunky than the Facebook Page back end. It does however lack features, stats and all the jazz Facebook provides, but knowing Google, that's on its way. Clearly there are very few companies in the film space using Google + at the moment. After checking all the major film studios, institutions and agencies, Google + pages need to offer more before the industry will back it.
Film Industry Network Google + Page
What's to come
Social interaction on Google + is still in its early days. There is a lot more potential for the platform than people first realise. When logged in, Google + users are given social web results, effectively changing the game on web rankings. As more people sign up to the service, every website in entertainment is going to have to consider its influence. In the long run, Google has a much stronger position to affect the way we surf the web. This is one of the reasons why having a presence on the network, even in its early days, could pay dividends in years to come. And, as we all know, mobile phone readership is going to shake up the way entertainment websites market themselves. You need to be on the ball. Get a Google + page and start using it.