11-year-old students watch 'Saw' in class
It's a fairly brutal mistake : showing your young class of 11 year olds one of the most gruesome horror films available, but that's what happened this week after a maths teacher decided to reveal 'Saw' to his year six class.
French teacher Jean-Baptiste Clément allegedly showed 20 minutes of the film 'Saw' which contains scenes of 'torture porn' amongst other horrific acts of violence. The young students who watched the film were told it would be their first horror film experience. Well the experience certainly went a little too far for some of the young kids, who would have been clearly traumatised by such a screening.
According to The Local, one of the boys who had seen 'Saw' in class had come home quite disturbed and had told his father about the screening who then complained to the school authorities about the teacher.
Clément received a one-day suspension for his actions, but there may be further legal proceedings.
'Saw', released back in 2004 and starring Leigh Whannell and Cary Elwes stirred up much controversy over its brutal, and graphic killing scenes. In the U.S it was given the highest rating by the MPAA of NC-17 and is one of the most violent horror films out there.