LOS ANGELES, USA - Newsreports have surfaced suggesting that Brad Pitt's production company Plan B has made a multi-million dollar offer to buy the rights to the story of the Chilean mine rescue
The tragedy which became an international story when 33 trapped miners were discovered to be alive was one of the most epic tales of heroism in the 21st century, and is a major topic for discussion as film producers vie to re-tell the story.
Brad Pitt's involvement in the new adaptation is currently unclear but it is believed that Javier Bardem could be in the mix to write the story.
Brad Pitt in the eyes of the Chilean miners
During the 69 day ordeal, the miners were given the best consultation from NASA specialists to leading psyhcologists and doctors. On the entertainment side the miners received a folding LCD TV which allowed them to watch movies, some of which, starring Brad Pitt, of course.
What other media outlets are saying:
Brad Pitt is hoping to transform the story of the 33 trapped Chilean miners into a big-screen epic - staff at his production company are in talks to land the film rights of the men's amazing survival. - Toronto Sun
Hollywood star reported to be in race for screen rights to tale of 'Los 33', but rival movie already being pushed into production says the Guardian.co.uk
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