The infamous brawl between Chris Brown and Drake has become an opportunity to put the stars on the path of 'riteousness'
Celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman has offered both stars $1 million each to take their heated argument to the ring. In addition to this, Feldman has also reportedly asked Rihanna to be a ring girl.
What are the stakes?
Chris Brown and Drake must get into the ring for 3 consecutive, one-minute long rounds. Each will pocket $1 million and in addition, Feldman, will donate $1 million to a charity that helps victims of domestic abuse.
What it could do : Opinion
If Drake and Brown agreed to the publicity stunt it would create a huge buzz of anticipation whether the fight would be real, staged, and who could take each other out. With Rihanna watching the fight, it would bring back the whole 'Chris Brown and Rihanna assault' history. On top of that, it would add more fire to the public brawl that police are still investigating, but it would give Drake and Brown a public forum to 'make up'. Although, if they have to fight, they would have to turn it into a dance performance.
The benefit of doing the stunt would directly help a charity that defends women of domestic violence abuse, but then why wouldn't the promoters donate the money anyway?
What do you think. Should they fight?