Black Friday overload
We've been bombarded by 'Black Friday' deals to the point where we wish the messages couldn't get through to us, but perhaps there is a way out : Learning Klingon.
Thanksgiving is the time of year we like to spend with the family. From good food to great laughs, there's no real need to go out and shop is there? Well, for 970,000 of you, it's definitely not going to happen. A badge is making the rounds on Facebook that states clearly : "I pledge to not shop on Thanksgiving". So moving on, it's really that time of year to learn Klingon!
If you're suffering from extreme lethargy, and overdose of 'Star Trek : The Next Generation', then perhaps you can look at the cultural importance of the Klingon language and how it has influenced a generation of Trekkies.
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There is a wealth of free online information for people looking to learn how to restore their honor. Why not take a break from the Latin, and discover Klingon Linguistics and learn the important words of a language spawned from the planet Kronos?
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Qapla'!