Documentary Film

Worldwide short film festival kicks off today

Worldwide short film festival kicks off today

Canada’s biggest short film festival starts today with several highly anticipated movies playing at the festival including Rachel Weisz’ directorial…

May 31, 2011

Sarah Palin documentary a prelude to her Presidential Bid?

Conservative filmmaker Stephen K Bannon has directed a 2 hour documentary on Sarah Palin, which has been viewed as a…

May 25, 2011

Never Say Never & Justin Bieber to top Valentine s weekend?

Never Say Never premieres in theatres today, but will Justin Bieber conquer the Valentines weekend box office ahead of Adam…

February 11, 2011

Justin Bieber's Never Say Never biggest 3D Documentary ever?

Justin Bieber's Never Say Never comes out a week today, but will it beat Jackass 3D? Featuring Miley Cyrus, Jaden…

February 4, 2011

Woman spits on George Clooney in new Sudan Documentary

A new documentary Winds Of War following George Clooney along with reporter Ann Curry reveals the plight of Southern Sudan…

December 5, 2010

MTV Star Johnny Knoxville's documentary film a smash hit

Jackass 3D takes Johnny Knoxville's star power to new heights. Are audiences ready for a 3D sequel?

October 18, 2010