Digital Marketing

PR Analysis : US Airways tweet mistake worth millions

The infamous naked woman and the toy plane made its comeback this week thanks to US Airways, and what's even…

April 15, 2014
6 lessons Arnold Schwarzenegger taught us about digital marketing

6 lessons Arnold Schwarzenegger taught us about digital marketing

Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't just a world famous actor, athlete, politician and activist. He's also a smart digital marketer, and there…

March 27, 2014

On-set photography : Your secret film marketing tool

If you guys are looking at shooting a short film, or commercial in the coming months, you might want to…

January 3, 2014

The 4-steps you need to take to promote your short film

What's the best way to promote a short film? Well, if you've got a limited budget, and want to spread…

December 21, 2013

5 things you need to do to make your short film go viral

What does it take to make a short film go viral? Some of the best viral videos of the year…

December 19, 2013

Analysis: Business model of the film industry moving towards VOD

VOD is becoming the standard From VHS to DVD to Blu Ray and now VOD, the film industry is experiencing…

November 12, 2013