Viral Video

Going viral: 'French Tom Cruise' jumps on moving metro

Mr Puma, a French stuntman with an apparent affection for Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt character, has released a video of…

July 29, 2014

Kristen Bell is upsetting Disney in this minimum wage parody

Kristen Bell stars in a new video as Mary Poppins in a Disney parody that sings to the tune of…

July 24, 2014

Actor claims he is JJ Abrams' lens flare in this 'documentary'

Ok so back in 2009 J.J. Abrams went a little overboard with the lens flares in 'Star Trek', and subsequently…

July 24, 2014

Going viral : 'Leaked' Star Wars 7 production footage

A video showing a behind-the-scenes look at the 'Star Wars 7' film production has gone viral.

July 11, 2014
20th Century Fox 'Devil's Due' baby attack ad most viral of 2014

20th Century Fox 'Devil's Due' baby attack ad most viral of 2014

A video produced by 20th Century Fox to promote low-budget horror 'Devil's Due' is officially the most viral movie ad…

July 11, 2014

Raw video : Pet Lion tries to 'eat' documentary filmmaker

A video has emerged showing a pet lion attacking a documentary filmmaker while the owners struggle to save him.

July 11, 2014