Movie Trailer

New trailer : 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' starring Christian Bale

The brand new trailer for Ridley Scott's epic 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' has hit the web, starring Christian Bale in…

July 9, 2014
The dumbest trailer of the week : Sharknado 2

The dumbest trailer of the week : Sharknado 2

Are you ready for heightened stupidity with a chainsaw driven plot that includes sharks falling from the skies?

July 9, 2014

Brand new trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy

The latest extended HD Trailer for 'Guardians of The Galaxy' starring Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper has hit the web…

July 8, 2014

North Korea promises war if 'the interview' starring James Franco is released

North Korea has threatened war with the United States if a movie produced by Sony Pictures starring James Franco is…

June 25, 2014

FIFA spent $27 million on a film that portrays Sepp Blatter as a hero

"United Passions" is causing a stir after it was revealed that FIFA had contributed over $27 million to fund a…

June 20, 2014

Angelina Jolie reveals how she became 'Maleficent'

Angelina Jolie reveals how she approached the character, and what it was like for her to work with Elle Fanning,…

May 28, 2014