George Clooney, MTV snubbed by top charity
While George Clooney helped raise over $60 million for Haiti in 2010, he has been forgotten on the top 20 most charitable list
While George Clooney helped raise over $60 million for Haiti in 2010, he has been forgotten on the top 20 most charitable list
Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity starring George Clooney is the most overhyped movie of 2010 and here’s why.
‘Three Kings’ David O Russell is to receive Best Director of The Year Award at the 2011 Palm Springs International Film Festival
A new documentary Winds Of War following George Clooney along with reporter Ann Curry reveals the plight of Southern Sudan with some behind the scenes moments.
Steven Soderbergh’s Man From U.N.C.LE film adaptation is in development, with George Clooney in talks to play the lead role.
Why the London Film Festival is more relevant then ever before.