World War Z, the epic zombie movie starring Brad Pitt is heading to the Scottish city of Glasgow.
Scotland's biggest city will be given the Hollywood treatment as the Brad Pitt entourage and production sets in to transform parts of Glasgow into a war torn ruin. Some might argue that parts of Glasgow's less glamourous neighbourhoods already have that special war torn feeling.
According to the DailyRecord, the World War Z production, produced by Brad Pitt's Plan B and Paramount will create a 'tented village' for the cast and crew, and could bring as much as £1.5 million to the local economy. On top of that, news of the film shoot will boost local tourism, so the figure could be significantly higher for inward investment.
The premise of the story takes place in the aftermath of a huge zombie uprising leading to a grim world war.
Scenes will be shot in the city itself including St Vincent Street and George Square, where the cast and crew will be based.
Are you excited about Brad Pitt's World War Z?