A film production company creates, produces and markets long or short-form film or video content for brands and television networks. It may even distribute all its content online as many people consume film and art via digital platforms. You may already have a small business in tow but you want to improve it further. This is no easy task, and it takes time and effort to find clients. The money that needs to go into the business will be plentiful when you're getting set up, and looking to make your production company stand out. There are inevitably going to be a lot of upfront costs for you before you get paid - and the film industry is tough!
As a startup, you might be able to conduct business in a spare bedroom or your garage but in time you are going to need better space and other people to help you. You won’t be able to conduct business meetings in your garage and if you are talking with investors, you need a space that’s safe, secure and spacious enough to house a few people at a time.
Production gear can cost anything up to $15,000 or more. Yes, people have actually made respected films with natural lighting and their smartphones, but this is not going to be a long lasting business idea for you unless you are committed and have a clear objective in mind for where you want to take your brand. It could be a one-off project or passion project but it is not going to help you in the long run if you're just thinking about the 1 or 2 shoots. You may want to look at companies like SAP which help you track interactions within your team. There are some SAP Litmos reviews for you to look at which give you a better idea of how you can benefit from a learning management system within your startup. You will also need to consider investing in your marketing, as well as getting the correct computer hardware and software, which may include microphones, booms, lighting kits and 4k filming equipment - depending on the types of productions you do.
Some of your equipment can be leased but again that can be pricey unless you can work out good deals for your company, or have multiple shoots booked to spread the cost.
Your expenses will grow as your business grows so you will need to learn to budget well. The largest overhead cost will likely be renting office space and paying your employees because they may have to work long hours and you'll also need to ensure that they have enough insurance cover in case there are any accidents on location - if you are travelling at all.
Can I get this investment in my film business back?
Yes, essentially when you start filming more then you will be able to earn more but it is the distribution that will be the hardest work. Films make money in different ways, depending on the type of film it is, which could include any box office sales, the sale of individual DVDs/Blu-Rays, sales to streaming services, and through the merchandising of your film. In the instance of filming for commercials and industrial films you will be paid a rate that is decided before you sign any contacts so you need to make sure that all your costs are covered from the very beginning because contracts are often non-negotiable once signed - and you need to factor in a contingency budget, often around 10% of your overall costs for any unforeseen issues.
Being in the industry is exciting and fulfilling but it does take a lot of effort to ensure that you are doing things right. How are you taking your film business to new heights? Share your experiences with us: @filminetwork