The White House and the Vatican have issued statements regarding the controversial images released by the Benetton clothing company.
With a worldwide frenzy surrounding these photoshopped pictures it’s easy to see why those ‘glued together’ could get offended. However, the Whitehouse didn’t all out condemn the ad. However the Vatican took a harsh tone and has threatened legal action despite the fact that Benetton had already removed images of the Pope kissing an imam.White House spokesman Eric Schultz via LAtimes said:
"The White House has long disapproved "of the use of the president's name and likeness for commercial purposes."
It will be impossible, even with a successful lawsuit to ban any of the images released today by Benetton as thousands have already downloaded and reposted them.
In a slightly less glamorous comparison, Scarlett Johansson was victim to such a ‘photo leak’ against her will, but this had a different cause and effect. In this case, this is an ad campaign to highlight the idea of ‘tolerance’. After all, it is these leaders who represent a majority of the world’s population but it is understandable that crossing the religious or political barrier with controversial images could divide more than unite.