A powerful video on the crisis in Ukraine, has been released by Emmy award winning filmmaker Ben Moses and features a first-hand account of the troubles in the country. (video below)
After today's deplorable violence and an international chorus for economic sanctions, the people of Ukraine have been making their voice heard in the media.
Yesterday Film Industry Network highlighted an unbelievable video taken by a drone for a Berlin based news agency that showed the scale of the protests from the air.
We wanted to highlight this video below as it shows the conviction of the Ukrainian people on the ground, and their determination to seek peace and freedom.
According to the Huffington Post, filmmaker Ben Moses produced the video with the anonymous protestor and was preparing a film on democracy in Ukraine at the time.
The precarious situation on the ground made Ben's mission to film the ongoing troubles especially dangerous and his video has so far received more than 3 million views since it was uploaded on February 10th.
It is the bravery of these filmmakers that the world can discover what's happening on the ground, and the messages from those that are suffering and need the international community to intervene.
We invite you to share this video and to debate it, as it is as real as it gets.
Warning, some viewers may find the footage disturbing