Twilight Saga fans rule the web
The cult following of the Twilight Saga movies shows no end despite the near total domination of 'The Dark Knight Rises' in headlines for the past year.
Building a social buzz around a movie can take years, millions of dollars in advertising and sheer genius PR for fans to get excited and involved. I can see the sheer power of the Twilight Saga franchise and how it has held its grip on young audiences for the past several years. It's cult following mixed with an active online fan base makes it one of the most lucrative franchises in history and the marketing behind it has been phenomenal.
Film studios understand the importance of building social power online ahead of a release, but looking at the most popular movies on the social web also helps us understand the conversation around a film.
Just today alone more than 30,000 people joined 'The Twilight Saga' fan page on Facebook. Film studios can leverage social media to build fan bases for future releases but they also need to look at how fans spread that message. If the social buzz is not as vibrant as it should be ahead of the release, the film is not creating 'social conversations'. At the end of the day, we love to talk about the movies we go and see with each other. It's a shared experience, and the film needs to bring that out of us. The more we talk about it with each other, the bigger the desire we have to go see it.