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This stunning apocalyptic short film is blowing people away

Independent film director Amir Reichart has created one of this year's best short films, taking audiences on an epic voyage through earth's barren wasteland after a global nuclear war.

'Phoenix 9' features stunning special effects, apocalyptic landscapes, and follows a group of survivors struggling to make it to a post-war colony. During their 1000 mile struggle they stagger on a secret installation that offers them a new hope for survival.

The work is meticulous and the visuals are on-par with a Roland Emmerich disaster movie. This kind of Hollywood panache is rarely seen in a low budget environment but the painstaking work of the whole team, and the approach from the film's director makes this a must-watch.


Shot for approximately $25,000 the German, American team backed by Producer/Writer Peer Gopfrich, are already getting rave reviews for their work, which demonstrates a concept for a feature they are developing.

Check out the full 22-minute short below to see how the filmmakers have created this world in true style.

'Phoenix 9' short film

Find out more on Phoenix 9

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