Hi Everyone. I wanted to introduce our project #SteampunkThecultureandthecode. It is a story about how Steampunk changed one man’s life and how it affects modern day society. We journey with #JebHaught (AKA Jeremiah Goodfellow) as he goes through the world defining what steampunk is and what it has done for people who have adopted its values.
This is no ordinary documentary as we are intending to animate various gadgets and include some cool visual effects to make this world come alive. Please check out our #indiegogo campaign here! http://igg.me/at/SteampunkCC/x/1725900.
Any help, comments, donations of time or money are greatly appreciated. Also if you have any ideas on how to get this project out in the open we would love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope you will join us in our journey to make this project come to life!
- Angie Quidim