Actor & director Karan Choudhary’s latest short film “Swiped Out” is set to be turned into a 30-minute comedy series following its festival run later this year.
Developed at the peak of the pandemic, Choudhary’s latest film had its release date pushed back following the restrictions to film productions across the U.S., which affected independent producers and Hollywood studios alike for months.
Having announced the film in the summer of 2020, Choudhary’s latest adventure into comedy tells the tale of a young man who faces the embarrassing pressure of his traditional Indian mother to find the ‘perfect match’. Attempting to do things the modern way, Neil goes on an adventure to find his one true love by exploring the world of dating apps and all the drama that comes with it.
Originally from India, the filmmaker set his sights on New York to pursue his acting and movie career. Having also delved into film directing, and following on from the success of his previous outings in short documentary “Dedication,” “The Timepiece” and “New York’d,” Choudhary has found success through digital distribution and streaming.
The filmmaker is now working on adapting his latest short into a 30-minute comedy series to expand on the themes touched within the short, which have resonated with audiences in early screenings ahead of its festival run.
Starring Karan Choudhary, Jenny D Green, Katie McCarty, Divya Sethi, and Jimmy Mehiel, the film was shot on location in New York and also co-written and directed by Shawn Regruto. Producer Michael Bloom was also attached to the project along with Jake DeNicola as cinematographer.
As the film continues its festival run over the coming months, New York’s buzzing film scene is heading for a strong rebound, with “Swiped Out” set for a larger adaptation into an even more entertaining comedy adventure.
Discover more about Karan Choudhary’s latest productions by visiting his website.