Shia LaBeouf is literally watching all his movies for 72 hours straight

Shia LaBeouf just started his movie marathon at a New York theater where he is watching all of his movies for the next 72 hours, and you can join him.

No stranger to making epic, over-the-top intros and performance art spectacles, this latest stunt is something everyone in NYC can participate in (as long as there is room). LaBeouf is also broadcasting himself watching himself in the theater where others can sit in the audience.

The live stream site has already crashed due to the enormous attention but just before it went down we were able to catch a glimpse of LaBeouf, illustrated in the somewhat un-flattering picture above, sitting looking up at his work. In an emotionless pose, the actor looked like he was in a semi-meditative state, rolling his eyes across the screen.

LaBeouf will take 10 minute breaks between movies but is scheduled to sit for the entire 72 hour period of all his movies running back-to-back.

Where is the movie marathon screening with Shia LaBeouf?

If you’re in NYC, join Shia LaBeouf right now through to Friday noon at the Angelika Film Center, 18 West Houston Street. Entrance is free for anyone wanting to see the movie marathon.

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