Naked celebrity photo leaks are becoming the next phase in the computer hacking era, with Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson fighting back intruders, who have shared her most intimate personal photos.
The FBI has been called in to investigate the hacking which could have been perpetrated by several individuals targeting a multitude of celebrities and high profile names. While the leaked pictures are a setback for Johanssons's privacy, they also mark a dangerous turn for data theft, which is at the heart of a 'publishing industry crisis'. Publications such as the 'News Of The World' and other British tabloids have been hit with investigations regarding phone hacking and other intrusions.
Is this a turning point where it is no longer safe to keep data on computers or phones that are connected to the web?
Scarlett's nude photos are not only distressing and a public embarrassment, but will have repercussions for her as it is likely they will be available online for years to come.