Rihanna told Rolling Stone magazine how the Chris Brown incident affected her and how she had to deal with it in a personal way.
Both singers took a nose dive in both their worlds, as they had been close, and the incident broke down all respect they had for each other. But over time, the singer has agreed to the easing of the restraining order against him.
Chris Brown recently got off into a fury on GMA about the incident, while Rihanna had no trouble revealing the truth about how she felt. For one thing, she will get more respect because of it than the way Brown has dealt with it.
Rihanna : "I just didn't want to make it more difficult for him professionally. What he did was a personal thing it had nothing to do with his career. Saying he has to be 100 feet away from me, he can't perform at awards shows that definitely made it difficult for him ... But you can never please people. One minute, I'm being too hard, and the next minute, I'm a fool" (Rolling Stone)
Whether the incident can finally be laid to rest can only lie with what these two choose to do with their past. Will they reconcile it together, or never speak again? Only history can tell. Chris Brown this week achieved number 1 at the US Billboard chart with F.A.M.E despite the negative press about him.