LONDON, UK - From mainstream news to independent blogs, Channel 4's controversial documentary about a fictitious kidnapping of Prince Harry has been condemned.
The 90-minute feature length documentary depicts the story of what would happen if Prince Harry were to be captured by Taliban forces on a tour of duty in Afghanistan. The highly controversial documentary exposes a worst-case scenario for the Prince, who served in Afghanistan in secret for 10 weeks during 2007. He was later withdrawn from the front-line due to a media leak about his presence in the war.
The new documentary has been particularly condemned because it politicizes the Afghanistan conflict and it is highly unpatriotic. The film is also a blow to the armed forces as it targets a sensitive issue for British soldiers currently fighting in the war, and greatly dishonours.
Whether Channel 4 will air the documentary following the international outcry is unclear, but even if it should be pulled, viewers may choose to boycott the channel.
The Taking of Prince Harry will air on Channel 4 on October 21st