Quick Introduction : NEWSROOM
Hey guys,
This our brand new newsroom blog to update you on the Film Industry Network, what's happening, and most important of all, where we disappear to!
Ok, so back in April, FIN was on a roll, we had a huge boost in traffic, and people were really connecting with our news content. We featured some great filmmakers, and got many kind endorsements.
I want to thank Canon among the other websites for sharing my feature on DSLRs and how they have changed the film industry. Canon's corporate office kindly shared it with their US staff, and put the focus on our talented filmmakers.
Moving on, without further ado, PIERS MORGAN. So what happened?
So it goes like this. On April 9th, Piers Morgan over at CNN was having some fun taking his twitter rage out on footballer Rio Ferdinand when we spotted the back and forth drama/ epic duel. After analyzing the battle and reporting it for our members, Piers featured the story live on his twitter. Within the hour over 10,000 people logged on to FIN overwhelming our servers. While this was happening, I was losing my cool with Daniel Haim, Founder of Bloginity Networks who also manages the FIN network, over in LA. (we were 9 hours apart and it was late here in France) Daniel, who reset the servers several times had no luck restoring the site. It was just too much, and I had no idea it was Piers' doing!
So in the last month, we have been busily working behind the scenes, upgrading FIN ready for a new experience, with new servers whilst taking a break on stories. Sometimes things in life happen for a reason, and you have to stop what you are doing before you can continue. But the comeback will be sweet.
I want to give a shout out to Piers for unknowingly 'exploding' FIN from the web as now we are back with a bigger ambition and more drive than ever before. I will also name the next celebrity that successfully crashes our servers from twitter, so please do tweet!
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates behind the scenes on FIN.