Phil Robertson is winning, 116,000 urge A&E to reinstate him

Phil Robertson gains support

Bristol Palin has come to the aid of Phil Robertson in the wake of a media barrage against his personal views on homosexuality while 116,000 sign a petition to support his return to A&E.

In the latest saga, Charlie Sheen launched a massive tweet torpedo at the conservative 'Duck Dynasty' star this week after he stated in an interview with GQ Magazine, that homosexuality was like bestiality.

However on top of the petition to reinstate the star on A&E, an online petition called 'I Stand With Phil' seemed to make a dent in Sheen's words with over 200,000 signatures in support of his views. Now Bristol Palin and the Chicago Sun Times have added their weight behind the outspoken reality TV star.

Is Sheen losing an edge on this one. Where are his friends to back up his words?

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