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Original Star Wars oil painting made for George Lucas goes on sale

For Star Wars fans this could be one of the most ultimate Star Wars collectors' item of all time : an original oil painting made for George Lucas by world renowned artist James Dietz.

It's not every Star Wars fan that can own an original oil painting yet alone be part of the artistic history of the Star Wars franchise making this rare item particularly note-worthy.

The listed painting on Amazon, is featured among a collection of other rare works produced by Dietz, who's art is on display at many historic sites across the US including the US Air Force Museum and the Pentagon. With a price tag of $40,000 not every Star Warsaholic will be able to afford it but for those rare item seekers, this might just be 'the one'.

The unmatched work is one of the rarest items we've seen yet that is being sold on the web. With Star Wars 7 just around the corner, the hype for Disney's epic continues to climb with the cast of the film recently revealed and a new chapter for the franchise about to be unleashed.

It is not clear when the painting was made available however there are other paintings also on sale including a commission produced by Dietz for Warner Bros that features 12 scenes of the original 1978 'Superman' movie.

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