The News Of The World hacking scandal continues to intensify as more names and revelations come to light and even the British Prime Minister gets involved.
From film stars to relatives of fallen soldiers, the scope of phone hacking from one of the world's biggest selling paper is sending shockwaves through the entertainment industry. The News Of The World, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation will likely face further scrutiny as victims come to light, and the culture of it's own agenda is truly revealed.
Actor Hugh Grant, who is one of the victims is publicly calling for an inquiry into the culture of 'tabloid press' and that people should boycott the paper, including advertisers.
A former News Of The World investigative journalist for the Irish division of the paper also recently revealed that they used the same tactics to get exclusives from celebrities. The latest phone hacking scandal just proves how far the paper has gone to get its own breaking news, violating the privacy of individuals and manipulating information in order to influence its own audience.
What are the future prospects of Rupert Murdoch's flagship paper?
Get the full history of the News Of The World Scandal here