Marvel has launched an investigation to find out who exactly uploaded the trailer for 'Avengers : Age of Ultron' a week before it was supposed to come out.
In the leaked version of the trailer, some of the edits and the final release date were wrong suggesting that this had been a working version of the cut that made it on to the web early.
According to the Guardian, Marvel has made a request to Google to find the information of the original account user that uploaded the file illegally, believed to be called 'John Gazelle'.
In a court order, Marvel has asked Google to provide the "identifying information' of that user to court on November 18th in San Francisco which includes the IP address to establish the location of the upload.
Following the leak, Marvel made multiple requests to video services to remove videos that had been uploaded in violation of copyright. A majority of the leaked videos disappeared and were no longer available. Following that action, the production company quickly brought out the official trailer a few hours later.
'Avengers 2' in a twist of fate, managed to break engagement records on Youtube with much hype built for the real trailer.
The most pressing issue will be to discover who (if it is not already known) was responsible for the leak and whether disciplinary actions against members of staff will be taken.