WASHINGTON, USA Kevin Costner testified today before the House Energy and Environment subcommittee on the oil spill, which was part of a congressional hearing investigating the disaster. Costner has been active from the start of the disaster, and is seen as an expert on the subject. His company, Ocean Therapy Solutions, has developed a machine that can separate oil from contaminated seawater.
During the congressional hearing, Costner stated:
Safety is never thought to be sexy..I am a story teller so bare with me. Costner goes on to say, It seems logical that as long as the oil industry profits from the sea, they have the legal obligation to protect it.
The unprecedented disaster that could potentially leak in excess of 100 million barrels into the Gulf by August has brought an unlikely hero to the spotlight, and it would almost seem that fiction has turned into reality. Waterworld, the 1995 adventure epic starring Kevin Costner depicts a future where the ice caps have melted and most of earth is underwater, and starvation is rampant. Today a large area of the gulf is under oil, and the US government is powerless to stop it, with marine life and an entire eco system we can't even see, being eradicated. It's a grim tale to say the least but if the technology to separate the oil from seawater can be introduced quickly, this could potentially create a large-scale stopgap measure for future oil disasters.