Kanye West & Katy Perry's E.T is a work of art

Katy Perry's latest music video hit E.T featuring Kanye West and directed by Floria Sigismondi is a stunning collaboration and 2011 s best video by far.

With masterful cinematography, special effects and stunning visual aesthetics, the music video excels in many ways. The costume design is flawless and the composition, and editing deserves all out recognition.

E.T differentiates from a lot of other pop promos because it creates that big budget Hollywood feel to it without becoming a cliché we have seen before. You could say this is more of a short sequence from an epic Avatar style movie, but with its own character and pace. Katy Perry becomes much larger than life in her newly found 'Alien' appearance that brings so much to the song, which puts her artistry on a new visual level.

Music videos are becoming so much more than just promos for selling albums. If the advertising model improves for online streaming, over time, music videos will be big business. The higher the concept, and the vision, the more entertaining it becomes, and of course, viewership will increase.

Katy Perry Featuring Kanye West : E.T

Floria Sigismondi


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