Jon Bernthal sends message of support to Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf was arrested last night in New York after causing a scene at a Broadway play but since the ordeal his 'Fury' co-star has come to his aid.

While a majority of critics will be condemning LaBeouf and his actions, his friend and co-star couldn't be more supportive.

Tweeting to his 180k followers Bernthal made this statement a short while ago:

LaBeouf has faced increased media scrutiny since he declared that he was "no longer famous", after a string of bizarre public 'displays' which include a stride on the red carpet with a paperbag on his head, and the actor reciting a quote from Eric Cantona, followed by him storming out of a press conference.

LaBeouf in 'Fury'

Should we be worried? LaBeouf stars in 'Fury' alongside Brad Pitt and Logan Lerman which is scheduled for release November 14th nationwide.

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