Detroit lives Documentary
Documentary film Detroit Lives starring Johnny Knoxville has shown a new creative side to America's forgotten city.
Often highlighted for its abandonment, financial ruin and being the death of the American dream , Detroit Lives shows how this couldn't be further from the truth. MTV Jackass star Johnny Knoxville explores Detroit, discovering how the city has turned into a creative dream for many. The 30-minute documentary, produced by Palladium Boots, is a wake up call to creative people across the country who view Detroit as a city of lost hope.
In stark contrast, Johnny Knoxville goes out and about in a boat like Cadillac, meeting and interviewing people from a wide range of backgrounds including hip hop artist Black Milk. The feel is very positive for what can be achieved, with almost no government regulation, and a DIY attitude that has made the city a young and vibrant community with a mission.
Initiatives also bringing creative talent to the area include the Michigan film tax credit, helping film productions shoot in the state, and as the city remodels itself, there is a hope that a new Detroit can become a place of economic prosperity.
Amongst the abandoned ruins there is a sense that young creative people such as filmmakers and rappers, want to reinvent the way of life. Revitalizing Detroit can also be seen as a creative project in itself, and young entrepreneurs are eager to face the challenge. How can it be better than it was, and what will the new Detroit look like? One thing is for certain; the City of Death is more alive than ever before.