Pirates Of The Caribbean 4 : On Stranger Tides topped the US Box Office this week, and whilst fans were flocking to the theatres, impersonators were uploading their Jack Sparrows to youtube.
As one of Disney's most popular onscreen characters in recent years, the eccentric, unpredictable Jack Sparrow portrayed by Johnny Depp has been a favourite for audiences of all ages. The slightly confused, and 'cocaine fuelled' pirate is a fun, and memorable character audiences want to see again and again.
Capturing the brilliance of Johnny Depp's performance is hard to do, but some have come close to being almost uncannily like him.
Alex Jordan, a young actor and impressionist from the UK has been mastering Johnny Depp's linguistic genius for several years. His videos are the benchmark for all Depp impressions and I highly recommend you check them out.
Actors who want to take on Johnny Depp should study Alex's unique ability to prepare for Pirates Of The Caribbean 5 and 6, 7, 8 and maybe even 9.
The all time best Jack Sparrow impression
Johnny Depp endorses Johnny Depp (spoof)
Alex Jordan on youtube.