When you are starting out it is difficult to audition for movies because you have no previous experience, on screen acting roles or a showreel to prove your abilities. Shorts and student films can be your gateway..
- Getting roles in short/ student films
You may be thinking why should I do short films? I want to act in big movies! Yes you are absolutely right, but you need on set experience if you want to become a TV or movie actor.
Acting for theatre is a different experience than for camera. There are techniques that you need to learn on a film set that you would never need to know in theatre. Film is an illusion of time and space, and when you play a role, you may find yourself in situations where you need to improvise and adapt to technical issues. These can include camera blocking and your physical appearance in a frame.
If you play roles in student films, this can help you work with a crew and with other actors before making the big step to professional work. The experiences you can gain from working on student films can be life changing.
Another positive note on shorts and student films is that there is always the potential for films to be released on TV, at film festivals and gain recognition.
A short film role will help you for bigger auditions as it helps you discover your abilities to act and it also gives you showreel material that you can present.
Other articles to help you
Where to find auditions
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